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Healing Soundscapes Open lecture: Multisensory artwork and soundscapes in the hospital – an attuning approach in healthcare design

Wie klingt es an Orten, wo es um Krankheit und Gesundwerden geht? Was brauchen die Räume im Krankenhaus an Gestaltung? Wie können Klänge das Wohlbefinden fördern? Mit diesen Fragen laden wir dazu ein, die Welt der Healing Soundscapes zu erkunden. Mit den Open Lecture Series öffnet das ligeti zentrum ein Forum, um mit internationalen Fachkolleg.innen in spannenden Vorträgen die Themen der verschiedenen Laboratorien aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und mit dem Publikum zu diskutieren.

Healing Soundscapes sind gesundheitsförderliche Klangumgebungen, die unter dem Einfluss künstlerisch und raumbezogen gestalteter Musical Soundscape Interventions (MSI) entstehen. Das Healing Soundscapes Projekt entwickelt und erforscht raumbezogene Klanginterventionen für sensible Krankenhausbereiche. Ziel ist es, die klangliche Umgebung (die „Soundscape“) so zu gestalten, dass sich das Wohlbefinden von Patient.innen und Mitarbeitenden in den Räumen verbessert.

18.11.24: Marie Koldkjær Højlund – Multisensory artwork and soundscapes in the hospital – an attuning approach in healthcare design

Engaging with sound design, music composition, and sound art in hospital settings necessitates an ecological and enactive methodology, which involves examining the interactions between actors and their environments as attuning and exploratory agents. Drawing from my Ph.D. research on sound in Danish hospitals and my recent work on sensory delivery rooms, I have developed an attuning approach as a methodological framework. This framework accommodates both the multisensory atmosphere and the active engagement of enactive users through practice-based experiments.

This research contributes to the expanding field at the intersection of well-being and biomedical treatments in healthcare design. In my presentation, I will discuss the design of the new delivery rooms at Danish regional hospitals in Hjørring and Gødstrup, highlighting the multisensory artwork and soundscapes created for these spaces. The sensory delivery rooms aim to reintroduce art into healthcare environments, supporting caregivers, laboring mothers, and birth companions during this existential and life-changing event. These examples underscore the importance of considering the interplay between cultural and social aspects, and the environment in healing architecture.

From a broader perspective, a somaesthetic approach to healthcare design opens up a range of ethical considerations and ideas valuable for creating healing healthcare atmospheres. The prevailing clinical paradigm is widely accepted as a “normal” and “neutral” interior space, with a predominant focus on functionality, security, and efficiency. However, from a somaesthetic perspective, no space is neutral. Traditional healthcare aesthetics have created environments that are inhumane for individuals experiencing their most private, extreme, and significant moments, such as childbirth. One could argue that the stark lack of sensitivity to the sensing body and its context reflects a lack of care. Artistic expressions must be developed to support healthcare personnel's acts of care, address patients' profound emotional needs, and utilize state-of-the-art research as a foundation for their work.

Marie Koldkjær Højlund, Associate Professor of Sound Studies, audio design and musicology Aarhus University, Denmark

Marie Koldkjær Højlund is an associate professor of sounds studies, audio design and musicology at Aarhus University as well as a composer, musician and preforming sound artist. For years she has been researching what everyday sound environments mean for our way of life. She is interested in listening and sonic citizenship in a variety of contexts from a practice-based and artistic approach.

Committed to crafting sound technologies for alternative listening experiences, she co-founded The Overheard with Morten Riis, presenting large-scale sound sculptures across Denmark. As a composer, her sonic expressions have reverberated in diverse realms—from bands and albums to compositions for TV, theatre, and computer games. Recently she was honored with the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens award as a composer. During 2023 and 2024 she is a guest researcher at the Pufendorf Institute of Advanced Studies at Lunds University in the theme "Sound of Democracy".

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Dies ist eine Veranstaltung des ligeti zentrums in Kooperation mit HOOU und MMKH. Wir bedanken uns für die freundliche Unterstützung!

Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung

Datum Montag, 18. November 2024
ligeti zentrum
Veritaskai 1
21079  Hamburg
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Katrin Schröder

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